Words-thropology 2020A personal diary*list of Vocabs, I have been looking the meaning of.Feb 9, 2021Feb 9, 2021
Silver lining (noun)E’ una frase idiomatica che suona come una parola, è Inglese.Apr 8, 2020Apr 8, 2020
Che parole si usano ora sulla West Coast dell’ America?In California da alcuni giorni si sta sentendo molto parlare di “Shelter in Place” per definire la risposta proattiva dei cittadini nel…Mar 21, 2020Mar 21, 2020
Let Understanding be contagiousA ready-made glossary of concepts and words to navigate the Corona Virus phenomenonMar 15, 2020Mar 15, 2020
Words-thopology 2019An heartfelt diary*list of Vocabs, I have been looking the meaning of.Feb 6, 2020Feb 6, 2020
Words-thropology 2018An ethnografic diary*list of Vocabs on the costructs I have been looking the meaning forJan 11, 2019Jan 11, 2019
Published in15x30Words-thropology 2017An ethnografic diary*list of Vocabs on the costructs I have been looking the meaning forDec 30, 2017Dec 30, 2017