Words-thropology 2018

Lorenzo Fresh
2 min readJan 11, 2019


A personal diary*list of Vocabs on the costructs I have been looking the meaning of

72 words this year, from different paths as usual: series, cinema, tv, books, online articles, magazines, friends. I have been working on a personal model to collect English words I hear and I take time to note. Different words open different conceptual windows. Clustering the words you learn, it shows you the knowledge areas you are building up.

72 dry lexical splinters seen as raw data for an ongoing project at the crossroad of linguistic, learning analytics and memory.


Puny. Debole, mingherlino

to Thwart. Impedire

Thaw. Disgelo

Grievance. Lamentela

to Engender. Dare origine

Addled. Stordito, confuso, disorientato

to dupe. Ingannare, beffare

to Dilly-dally. Perdere tempo

to Dawdle. Ciondolarsi. Bighellonare

to Forgo. Rinunciare, evitare, astenersi

to Harness. Sfruttare

Getting cold feet about. Avere un ripensamento

Tantalizing. Allettante

Kinship. Affinità

Skinship. Affinità basata su relazione fisica

Patron. Cliente abituale di bar

Hubris. Arroganza

to Expound on. Esporre

Hinges on. Dipende da

Never have I ever danced so hard. I like the double adverb.

Placelessness. L’essere senza luogo

Backdrop. Fondo, scenario

Desultory. Discontinuo

to Namedrop. Vantarsi

Off-the-rack. Dozzinale

Whimsical. Strambo

Lorek. Tradizione

Fuck you Money. Soldi per sfanculare il sistema

Resonate. Risuonare

Lynchpin. Cardine, fulcro

Silver lining. Un evento negativo può avere un riscontro positivo

Heckler. Una persona che interrompe un performer o un presentatore con fare derisorio e commenti aggressivi

Patronize. Fare il maestrino

Duped. Ingannato

Auger. Trivella

Wary. Diffidente, cauto, prudente

Overhauling. Modernizzare. Revisionare

to Leapfrog. Scavalcare

to Propel. Spingere, muovere

Unflinching. Deciso, risoluto

Daunting. Scoraggiante

Glut. Eccesso, saturazione

Gregarious. Socievole

Glistening. Scintillante

Bedrock. Base, fondamenta

Farfetched. Improbabile, inverosimile

to Nab. Sgraffignare, sottrarre

It is jarring. Agitante, che scuote

Pulses. Legumi

Frailties. Debolezze

to Fret. Preoccuparsi, temere

to Stomach. Sopportare

to Vet. Esaminare, controllare

Wayward. Ostinato, imprevedibile

to Corral. Raccogliere

to Rule out. Escludere dalla considerazione

to Scramble. Dimenarsi per fare qualche cosa

Sycophant. Ruffiano

Umpteen. Innumerevoli

Spat. Battibecco

Jostling. Spintone

Decluttering. Fare ordine, tra le proprie cose o i propri pensieri

Amenability. Disponibilità

Prescience. Preveggenza

Hodl. Backronym of Hold On Dear Life

Heyday. Splendore. Pieno vigore

Lest we forget. Affinché non ci si dimentichi, non dimentichiamolo

Draw. Attrazione

Silver Bullet. A simple and seemingly magical solution to a complicated problem.

Mercurial. Volubile

To Dabble. Cimentarsi

to Outwit. Raggirare

Happy New Gregorian Year! (if you follow this calendar)

Lorenzo Fresh, Rome the 30th — December 2018

instagram: @lorenzofresh_research

Wordsthropology 2017



Lorenzo Fresh
Lorenzo Fresh

Written by Lorenzo Fresh

Urban & Data Anthropologist. UX Researcher for Fifth Beat (ITA/DE) and Vertical (USA). World ethnographer

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