Words-thropology 2020
A personal diary*list of Vocabs, I have been looking the meaning of.
195 words this year, from a wide selection of contexts and channels: series, cinema, tv, books, online articles, magazines, friends. Different words open different conceptual windows.
195 sparks collected as raw data for an ongoing project at the crossroad of linguistic, primitive learning analytics, and memory.
I have lived this 2020 as you did. I was on Planet Earth and I am sure you were here with Us, too. It had an impact on me, linguistically speaking. You can find my Covid-19 words selection, here
Lexophilia for all!
to Nag. Brontolare. Assillare.
to Smear. Calunniare. Infangare.
to Prompt (profound questions). Richiamare. Sollecitare.
Forclosure. Quando compri all’asta
Fray. Mischia
Enthralling. Avvincente
Summoning. Evocazione
Frenzy. Delirio. Follia.
Fear-mongering. Allarmismi
to Unwind. Rilassarsi
Accolade. Riconoscimento
to Upend. Sovvertire. Sbaragliare
Attunement. Armonizzazione
Canvassing. Porta a porta per motivi politici
Foiled. Sventato
Severance Package. Trattamento di fine rapporto
Wager. Scommettere. Puntare
Prowess. Abilità
Roving. Il Girovagare
Redundancy. Sovrabbondanza
Embolden. Rincuorare
to Hamper. Ostacolare, intralciare
Outlive. Vivere più a lungo. Seppellire
to Streamline. Semplificare, ottimizzare
Life-affirming. Inno alla vita
Watershed. Spartiacque
To Barter with, for, against. Barattare, scambiare
Eeriness. Inquiétante sensazione.
To Fleece. Spennare
Red tape. Excessive bureaucracy
Silty. Sedimentoso
He thinks the world of you. Ha una enorme stima di te
Scuzzy. Disgustoso. Zozzo
Spiffy. Fighetto
Lo and behold. Guarda un po’
Untimely Demise. Morte prematura
Portmanteau. Due parole insieme
Painstakingly. Scrupolosamente
Coveted. Bramato
Stewardship/ environmental. The job of supervising or taking care of something
To Zero in. Puntare
Zealot. Fanatico
Zealous. Zelante
Ludicrous. Ridicolo. Grottesco.
Indictment. Messa in stato d’accusa
Drawback. Inconveniente. Svantaggio.
Shortcoming. Difetto
Répercussion, backlash. Ripercussione
Privy. Informato
Veneer of civilization. Patina, parvenza
Revere. Venerare
Coax. Persuadere, convincere
Luddite. Any opponent of new technologies or of technological change.
Disentangle. Districarsi
Thwarting. Opposing successfully
To be flummoxed. Sono sconcertato
Callous. Insensibile, spietato, cinico
Watertight. Impermeabile. A prova di bomba
Excruciating: penoso
Moving the needle forward
Gnarled. Contorto
Hark back. Rifarsi, rimandare alla memoria
Outpace. Andare più veloce
Outgrow. Essere numeroso. Troppo cresciuto
To be at odds with each other. Disagreement with each other.
I am sucker for… Nuts
Embezzlment. Frode. Furto.
Shambolic series of events. Caótica serie, malorganizzata
Imbebe. Assorbire
Second-guessing. Mettere in dubbio
I am all in for... Super convinto di…
Hectoring. Prediche
To Elope. Scappare insieme
Unbounded. Sconfinato
Off the hook. Fuori pericolo
Malfeasance. Illecito, abuso
Sleuth. Segugio, investigatore
Sheen. Lo scintillio
Tarnished. Danneggiato
Berzerk. Crazy
Flounder. Impappinarsi, annaspare
Deceptively. Apparentemente
Brouhaha. A noisy reaction to something
Cought off guard. Preso alla sprovvista
Catch-22. Paradoxical situation
Poised to lead. In procinto di guidare
Vicious. Aggressivo
to Gloat. Gongolarsi, compiacersi
to Gloss. Mascherare
Cultural touchstone.
He has a knack for…Avere un talento per, sesto senso per
Stowaway. Passeggero clandestino
Tip-off. Fare una soffiata
Contingency. Caso
Animosity. Ostilità
I did one eighty. I changed my mind
I am jonesing. I am craving
Brazenly. Sfacciatamente
Getting in the zone. Entrare nella situazione di benessere
Headspace. Spazio mentale
Thin-slicing. Judgements in the moment
Stagnant. Statico
Predicament. Situazione spiacevole
Pigeonhole. Incasellare
Quell. Sedare, calmare
Nooks and crannies. In tutti gli angoli e le fessure
Prune. Potare
Aghast. Sbigottito
Landmine. Mina anti uomo
Likeminded. Stessa testa
Relinquish. Rinunciare
Blithely. Spensieratamente
Persnickety. Pignolo, meticoloso
Rambling. Sconclusionato. Incoerente
Landmine. Mina anti uomo
Likeminded. Stessa testa
Relinquish. Rinunciare
Wiggly. Irrequieto
Undue influence. Manipolare una persona
To Bait. Adescare
To Bonk. Scopare
Turf. Terreno
Loll. Spaparanzarsi
A raw nerve. Un nervo scoperto
Apt to be. Suscettibili di essere
Brinkmanship. Politica del rischio calcolato
to Belabour. Ostinarsi
Quandary. Dilemma
Fleeced. Spennato
Blow smoke up In their asses. Vendere fumo, fare chiacchiere
Revelry. Excitement
Undercurrent. Indizio. Suggestione
Truism. Ovvietà
To Dabble. Dilettarsi
Inconspicuous. Poco appariscente
Poised to. Pronto a
To pepper. Spargere
To rid. Liberarsi da
Stalwart. Sostenitore fedele
Whimsical. Bizarro, strambo
Act of spite. Ripicca
Salty. Riferito ad una persona
Throw under the bus. Mettere in mezzo una persona
Dwell. I am dwelling on those convictions.
Lynchpin. Il perno
Harbinger. Foriero. Precursore.
Tatters. A brandelli
Misgender. Mal comprendere il genere di una persona
You throw people under the bus
Tainted. Rovinato
Indulge me. Assecondami
He credited the app with helping him get out
Revered. Venerato
Talk out / Talk in
To Flout. Farsi beffa
Flummoxed. Molto perplesso
Qualms. Dubbi, paure
Surly. Burbero, scontroso
Cornered. Messo alle strette
Dine and dash. Fare il vento
To Commend. Elogiare
Beeline. Go straight, there
To Nip. Stroncare. Tagliare cime.
Grafting. Innestando
Cutting-edge. All’avanguardia
To unravel. Andare in fumo
Sham. Una finta
Dicey. Rischioso
Vicariously. Indirettamente
Haphazard. A casaccio
Outburst of love. Slancio d’amore
Sheepish. Imbarazzato
Moniquer. Soprannome
To Peddle. Spingere, spacciare. Vendere
Pansy. Finocchio
to Upstage. Mettere in ombra
People walking between worlds
Harrowing experience. Straziante
Rollicking. Spensierato
Welter. Marasma
86ed. Refused to be served
Swooning. In estasi
Laden experience. Carica
Deracination. Sradicamento
Come to blows. Venire alle mani
Trove. Collezione. Raccolta.
Vagaries. Stranezze.
Bask in. Crogiolarsi
To Liken. Paragonare
Asunder. A pezzi
To Berate. Sgridare
Devout. Devoto
Rue the day. Maledire il giorno
Unfettered. Incondizionato
Contraption. Aggeggio. Marchingegno.